Thursday, December 18, 2014


a)  Because the weather was nice, we went to the zoo.
b)  It was such nice weather that we went to the zoo.
c)  The weather was so nice that we went to the zoo.
EXAMPLE a) b) and c) have the same meaning.

d) It was such good coffee that I had another cup.
e) It was such a foggy day that we could not see the road.
Such .....that   enclose a modified noun: such+ adjective+ noun+that

f) The coffee is so hot that I can not drink it.
g) I am so hungry that I could eat a horse
h) She speaks so fast that I can not understand her.
i) He walked so quickly that I could not keep up with him
So..... that  encloses and adjective or adverb:
so+ adjective or adverb+ that

j) She made so many mistakes that she failed the exam.
k) He has so few friends that he is always lonely.
l) She has so much money that she can buy whatever she wants.
m) He had so little trouble with the test that he left twenty minutes early.
So...that is used with many,m few much, and little.

n) It was such a good book( that) I could not put it down.
o) I was so hungry ( that) I did not wait for dinner to eat something.
Sometimes, primarily in speaking, that is omitted.


Exercise 9 Using SUCH ....THAT and SO ..... THAT
Direction: Combine the sentences by using so.....that...or such....that

1. This tea is good. I think I will have another cup.
This tea is so good that I think I will have another cup.

2. This is good tea. I think I will have another cup.
This is such good tea that I think I will have another cup.

3. It was an expensive car. We could not afford to buy it.
It was such an expensive car that we could not afford to buy it.

4. The car was expensive. We could not afford to buy it.
The car was so expensive that we could not afford to buy it.

5. The weather was hot. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
The weather was so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

6. During the summer, we had hot and humid weather. It was uncomfortable just sitting in a chair doing nothing.
During the summer ,we had such hot and humid weather that it was uncomfortable just sitting in a chair doing nothing.

7. I do not feel like going to work. We are having beautiful weather.
We are having such beautiful weather that I do not feel like going to work.

8. Ivan takes everything in life too seriously.He is unable to experience the small joys and pleasures of daily living.
Ivan takes everything in life so seriously that he is unable to experience the small joys and pleasures of daily living.

9.I have met too many people in the last few days. I can not possible remember all of their names.
I have met so many people in the last few days that I can not possible remember all of their names.

10. Tommy ate too much candy. He got a stomachache.
Tommy ate so much candy that he got a stomachache.

11. It took us only ten minutes to get there. There was little traffic.
There was so little traffic that it took us only ten minutes to get there.

12. In some countries, few students are accepted by the universities.
 As a result, admission is virtually a guarantee of a good job upon graduation.

In some countries, so few students are accepted by the universities that admission is virtually a guarantee of a good job upon graduation. ( virtually = really, actually )

 EXERCISE 10. Using   SUCH....... THAT........and SO...... THAT.

1. The wind was strong . It blew my hat off my head.
2. Karen is a good pianist. I am surprised she did not go into music professionally.
3. The radio was too loud. I could not hear what Michael was saying.
4. Small animals in the forest move about quickly. One can barely catch a glimpse of them
5. Olga did poor work. SHe was fired from her job.
6. The food was too hot. It burned my tongue.
7. There are many leaves on a single tree. It is impossible to count them
8. The tornado struck with great force. It lifted automobiles off the ground.
9. Grandpa help me tightly when he hugged me. I could not breathe for a moment.
10. Few students showed up for class. The teacher postponed the test.
11. Sally used too much paper when she was writing her report. The wastepaper basket overflowed.


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